HX711 is a 24-bit analog to digital converter (ADC) IC. It as built-in a preamplifier that is used to amplify low voltage signals. HX711 chip takes voltage signals as an input and provides digital values.The preamplifier handles low voltages. It has an on-chip power supply regulator that provides analog power due to which you don’t need an external supply regulator. You can directly interface with a bridge sensor. This chip has two analog channels such as A and B. We can program channel ‘A’ gain either 128 or 64. On the other hand, channel B has constant gain of 32.
Technical Specification:
- Model: HX711
- Operating voltage (v): 7V to 5VDC
- Current consumption: normal operation < 1.5mA
- Operating Temperature (°C): -40 ~ +85
- Data accuracy: 24 bit (24 bit A / D converter chip)
- Refresh frequency: 10/80 Hz
- Size: 34.3mm*20mm*3mm(L*W*H)
- Selectable 10SPS or 80SPS output data rate
- On-chip oscillator requiring no external component with optional external crystal
- On-chip power-on-reset
- Two selectable differential input channels
- On-chip active low noise PGA with a selectable gain of 32, 64 and 128.
- Simple digital control and serial interface: pin-driven controls, no programming needed
- Simultaneous 50 and 60Hz supply rejection
- Strain gauge
- Hydraulic
- Pneumatic
- Widely used in aerospace, mechanical, electrical, chemical, construction, medicine
- Industrial process control
- Automatic Doors
- Smart elevators